Original artwork and prints are available for sale on selected artwork; please browse to purchase.

Regarding prints, because the proportion (width x height) of certain artwork may not fit into standard A1, A2, A3 or A4 sizes, they will be ‘made to fit’ within the size that you choose (eg. A1, etc); obviously there will be leftover blank space that will be cropped away. Therefore the print that you purchase may be smaller than the standard specified size. But rest assured that they will be sized as large as possible, to fit within the standard size that you choose.

For prints on paper, the image is printed on Hahnemuhle Photo Rag, a fine art quality paper with a thick luxurious feel and finely textured matte surface. For prints on canvas, the image is printed onto fine art canvas with a matte low-sheen finish. Both paper prints and canvas prints are rolled in a tube for shipping domestically and internationally.

Should you wish for a canvas print to be stretched onto a 40mm wooden stretcher so that it can be hung immediately, it will cost an extra fee; in this scenario, the shipping cost will be substantially expensive, as the large dimension of the stretched canvas is usually larger than conventional shipping packages. Please email us first to ascertain a price if you wish to purchase a canvas piece stretched onto a stretcher. It may be economically wiser to save on the shipping cost, and take the canvas print to your local framing shop for stretching and framing.


The artist accepts commissions on portraits and various genre. To commission artwork, please click the button below to discuss with the artist what type of painting you would like created for you.