Connection between art and music

I believe that there is one perfect piece of music for every piece of artwork. Should you happen to find the perfect pairing, the music will enhance your experience of the artwork.

Admiring a piece of artwork by Turner would be far enhanced by music that resonates the same mood. Furthermore, music for a piece of Turner would be quite different to music for a piece of Dali… wouldn’t you agree?

Think about this the next time you view a piece of artwork. Turn on your Spotify and search for something fitting.

As an example, try viewing ‘Troy Has Fallen’ to Handel’s Xerxes: Largo/Ombra mai fu; this will far enhance the mood conveyed by the artwork.

Similarly, for an engaging experience, admire ‘Balconies’ to Nicola Piovani’s ‘Buongiorno Principessa’. I hope you enjoy both!